Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Change has been said to be the only constant in life.  And right now that couldn't be more true.  In the past 2 years I have:
-Transferred schools
-gotten married to my favorite person
-gotten pregnant and she held on :)
-Graduated with my Bachelor's
-had a beautiful baby girl who has become my world

If my life hasn't completely changed, then I don't know what change is.  Change brings many things; nervousness, anticipation, fear, hope, love, excitement, sometimes dread, but most of all change brings growth.

Everyday now I get to witness change.  And feel that rush when I see the changes life can bring.  From a small newborn who sleeps, eats, and poops.  To a four month old with her first 2 teeth, who smiles more than anyone I know, and is constantly watching everything, trying to take this world in.

Change makes me feel lucky.

Lucky that I have this life to live, grateful that I have a daughter and husband.  Not everyone gets so lucky, but I did!

I am lucky to be able to experience change.  I have been changed for good and I wouldn't give that up for the world!

1 comment:

  1. Kimber!!! Looks like we both had been out of the blog world a little ;) Glad to see we're both back and with baby girls!!! Good to hear from you!
