Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I guess it's about time that I update on the past 2 months.

Haha who am I kidding?  That's a ridiculous amount of time, so we'll just skip it but just know that my amazing man has continued to spoil me and make me feel like the most important person in the whole world.

Today I took my last final as an undergraduate student at BYU!  That's right my LAST final!  It went horribly and I was upset but thanks to a loving husband and also the best dad in the entire world my worries were set aside and I was able to know that I will indeed be graduating this friday.

Friday, friday, friday will be a glorious day!  I get to have an ultrasound of my baby, that's right baby pictures instead of just feeling this little one kick up a storm!  I officially graduate in the afternoon.  And the family is taking a trip to St. George for the weekend.

Did I mention my parents are coming tomorrow night?  I can't wait!  So that's the newness in our lives for now...maybe next time I'll post pictures, that would be fun. :)

Oh how blessed we've been!